
Cutting and editing

Keeping the volume level even

Podcast House 9
Podcast about university
and student topics
'Podcast Haus 9' was a podcast format for students of the Harz University of Applied Sciences and included a total of 7 episodes.
The project was developed in a team of two.
My tasks
research, sound recording, voiceover,
cutting, editing, publishing
​The podcast dealt with student and university-specific topics and was primarily created to make it easier for new students of Media and Games Design to start their studies. Due to the variety of topics, however, the podcast also offered interesting information for higher semesters and students from other degree programmes. Based on a survey among the students, topics such as university events, nights in House 9 and a project presentation on a game were covered. For more information, listeners could use the links in the description below the podcast.
The most important thing in creating the podcast was not to overwhelm the listener with a mass of information, but to talk about various topics in an informal dialogue and to pass on the podcaster's experiences in addition to researched information material. In this way, the learning effect should occur unconsciously for the listeners and listening to the podcast should be perceived as a leisure activity.
The tasks included survey and research on topics, recording, editing, publishing and were equally handled in partner work with a fellow student. The 8-bit style intro/outro was created in collaboration with a sound designer.